Oren Lev Ari: “A Congregation Is More Than Just a Gathering of People” | Seven Years of the “Katzir Rav” Congregation

On February 22, 2025, the messianic congregation “Katzir Rav” in Petah Tikva celebrated its seventh anniversary with a joyful Shabbat service. The occasion was not only a time of celebration but also an opportunity for profound reflection on the meaning of congregation in the lives of believers. Oren Lev Ari’s sermon focused on the significance of spiritual unity, faithfulness, and responsibility toward God and one another.

At the heart of his message was a passage from Matthew 16:16–18, where Simon Peter declares Yeshua to be the Messiah, and Yeshua responds, “On this rock I will build my congregation, and the gates of hell will not overcome it.” Pastor Oren emphasized that a congregation is far more than a mere gathering of individuals—it is a spiritual body founded on a living revelation of the Messiah. This, he explained, is why life within a congregation brings blessings and equips believers to face life’s challenges.

Pastor Oren reminded the congregation that being part of a congregation goes beyond simply attending meetings; it is a deliberate choice to live according to God’s principles. “When you commit to being part of a congregation, you’ve made a decision,” he said, underscoring that loyalty and respect for the fellowship reflect a person’s inner character. He also highlighted the vital role of raising children in faith, noting that parents are the primary conduits of spiritual heritage.

Special attention was given to the theme of spiritual anointing. “Anointing only flows where the Holy Spirit is at work,” Oren Lev Ari stated, cautioning against the temptation of settling for shallow sermons that fail to transform hearts. He encouraged the congregation not to shy away from spiritual battles, reassuring them that within a congregation, no one stands alone. “When you’re in the congregation and the devil presses against you, you’re not on your own,” he said, offering words of encouragement.

The service concluded with the Lord’s Supper and a heartfelt prayer: “Dear Lord, we pray for one another right now and bless each other. Lord, we thank You for our congregation, for our families, and for all those in need of healing, restoration, and Your strength. We intercede that Your power may come in the name of Yeshua.

Lord, grant strength to Your people and bless Israel—its government, its army, and its intelligence services. May the captives return, and may this land know protection and safety. Let us witness Your great glory and a revival in Israel.

We bless Your body across the world, praying that people would be saved, healed, and drawn to You, and that Your congregations would be filled with the Holy Spirit. We bless our youth, that they may rise in the power of the Holy Spirit.

In the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, may the grace of the Lord, the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us. And may there be abundant joy! Amen.”

This day served as a powerful reminder that a congregation is a place of edification, support, and strength, where God works mightily. The seventh anniversary of “Katzir Rav” stood as a testament to the faithfulness, unity, and blessings that come to those who build their lives on the foundation of faith.