Praise and Worship

We pay a great deal of attention to praise and worship in our congregation. It is one of the principal directions of our vision. Since the very foundation of the church, a lot of energy, prayers, and finances were invested in this venue. This ministry is constantly and continuously growing and developing.

God brought sincere, talented people who love Him, with a heart of worshippers, people who know what they are doing and why they are doing it. Ministry of praise and worship opens Heavens. Worshippers in the House of the Lord must know the Person Whom they serve and must firmly adhere to Biblical demands of their ministry. Ministers of worship must have an especially deep dedication to the Lord, love for Him, and a spirit of God seeker – that is, a deep desire to draw close to Him.

If we look at the Hebrew term “draw close to”, it is “lehitkarev”, we see that it is derived from the root: “krav” that means – “battle”. From the same root is derived the word “kurban”, that means “sacrifice” or “offering”.

And so, what do we see in the Biblical understanding of “drawing close to God”?

In order for us, as worshippers of the Living God, to draw close to Him, we must first win a victory over ourselves. In other words, to renounce our pride and to realize that talents and gifts come from the One and through the One, Whom they should and are designed to glorify. Only then can we bring a sincere and true offering of our lips to the Great Creator God and our Lord Yeshua the Messiah.

We also have a reminder that this ministry is in need of special protection for a few reasons.

The keys of worship and praise open Heavens and open the very heart of God. The presence of God fills the place where true worship and praise are raised. He comes Himself, where He is truly loved and revered. And we know that in the presence of God, signs and miracles take place, and the devil – enemy of our souls – very much dislikes it.

That is why people who have the spiritual gift of worship and who stand in a position of worshippers often become targets of intense attacks from the spiritual realm. Also, worshippers remind the devil of his lost position of ministry before the throne of Almighty God.

We deeply believe that even under attacks, when the devil tries to prevent true spiritual worship, we should not stop, but instead praise even more, just as Levites and priests did during the wars of Israel.

Our goal is to grow in praise and worship, to develop this ministry, in order to restore the fallen Tabernacle of David, to repair what’s destroyed, to rebuild it, that the nations may seek the Lord and worship Him in spirit and in truth.

We also believe that the ministry of praise and worship is also a ministry of support – it supports the ministry of the Word of God, to prepare good soil in human hearts, that the Word of God may be sown in it.

We stress the fact that people who are involved in this ministry should grow in musical professionalism, but also grow in Spiritual anointing, because professional music without the anointing of God cannot bring glory to God.

And in no way do we want to compete with this world in musical refinement, because the goal of worldly musicians is to glorify themselves. Our goal, on the contrary, is to glorify God and carry out His will on this earth.