Hanukkah: History of the Holiday

Throughout ancient history, there were countless wars. Usually, victories went to the more experienced, numerous, and better-equipped armies. However, sometimes small armies defeated empires. One of the most famous examples is the Greeks’ victory over the Persian Empire – everyone knows about the battle between Greek and Persian forces at Thermopylae, the Battle of Plataea, and the Battle of Marathon.
But the events that took place in Judea in the second century BCE, where a small nation without an army managed to defeat the Seleucid Empire and defend their religion and national identity, can only be described as miraculous. This miracle lives on in Jewish memory through the holiday of Hanukkah.
Yet the victory of a group of priests over the formidable Seleucid army wasn’t the only miracle of Hanukkah. Another extraordinary event occurred when the rebels, led by the renowned Judah Maccabee, liberated Jerusalem. After taking control of the Temple, they purified it and restored the Temple service. To light the Temple’s menorah, they needed special oil bearing the High Priest’s seal. The oil they found should have lasted only one day, but miraculously, the menorah burned for eight days – exactly the time needed to prepare new oil.
Hanukkah celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, holiness over sin, and authentic faith over false religion and philosophy. The Hanukkah story demonstrates God’s faithfulness to His people, human courage and sacrifice for faith, and a miracle that holds deep spiritual significance even 2,000 years later – not just for Jews, but for people worldwide.
The Jewish people’s victory and the Temple’s rededication foreshadowed Yeshua’s victory over the forces of darkness at Golgotha. This victory sanctifies and purifies the life of every believer.
The light of the Temple Menorah reminds us of Yeshua’s words that every Christian should be a light to those around them. Just as today we place the hanukkiah on windowsills to illuminate both home and path for passersby, our good deeds should reflect God’s light to the whole world.
But to live a holy life and reflect heavenly light, we need pure oil – God’s Word. By reading, studying, and applying Biblical principles in our lives, we can overcome our daily battles with circumstances and challenges, while illuminating and improving this world.