Pastor Oren Lev Ari

Oren Lev Ari, the senior pastor of the Messianic congregation “King of Glory Jerusalem” (Melech Kavod Rav) in Jerusalem, Israel, was born on October 12, 1976, in Khasavyurt, Dagestan, to a family of Kavkazi (Mountain) Jews.
After immigrating to Israel in 2000, he fully dedicated his life to serving the Lord following a personal encounter with Jesus and experiencing a miraculous healing. He was ordained into pastoral ministry in 2005 and began his work as a preacher.
Since 2006, Oren has traveled extensively throughout Europe, ministering to the Body of Christ and sharing the message of Israel. The Lord powerfully uses his gift of healing: miracles occur in his services – the blind receive sight, the deaf hear, the lame walk, and severe illnesses are healed. He is also known for his prophetic gift and powerful prayer ministry.
He co-founded the interdenominational “Katzir Rav” movement, which unites Messianic congregations and churches worldwide. He has been married to Ella Lev Ari since 2003, and together they raise three children: Mirelle, Emmanuel Azariah, and Jonathan.