A Biblical Perspective on Ministry to Israel
Today, more than ever, we see how Israel is gradually awakening and beginning to heed the voice of the Holy Spirit. The fulfillment of God’s sovereign plan for our land is taking place, and the central part of this plan is connected with the small land of Israel, which He chose and called His own. What the Lord promised through His prophets, what is described in the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Isaiah, and other places in the Holy Scriptures, is beginning to be fulfilled and happen today. Therefore, in the eyes of our Heavenly Father, ministry to His people Israel occupies a priority position. And today, more than ever, we in Israel need your support and help! God believes in His Church—in you. He believes that the Church will faithfully follow His will. And He has told me many times: “Who do I have on this earth if not My Church?”
It is written in Hebrews 6:10-12: “For God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized. We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.” Before the Lord, a memorial book is written where each of your donations and acts of love for Israel is recorded. Remember that when we care about God’s priorities, and His priorities become ours, then God Himself, with all His power, serves us and what we have.
I want to remind you that the Gospel once came out of Israel, and it is returning to Israel. The eyes of the whole world, both believers and unbelievers, are in one way or another turned to this land and what is happening here. Israel is becoming a critically important point of the world and also a stumbling block for many. Today, we hear how disagreements on issues related to Israel are occurring throughout the Body of Christ around the world. Should we serve Israel? Should we invest financially in Israel? Is this God’s will? Perhaps this is not what the Church should be doing, but rather taking care of its own?
I would like to examine this question from the Scriptures. First of all, we should not worship either the land of Israel or the people of Israel, because our worship belongs only to our Lord and God. But serving Israel is the will of our Heavenly Father and part of the calling of the Church of Christ. There are many places in the Word of God that confirm this. I encourage each of you to personally explore the Scriptures on this topic. Now let’s look at an example from the book of Isaiah 60:12, where it is written: “For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; those nations will be utterly ruined.”
This does not mean that we should serve Israel out of fear or compulsion. The deeds we do toward Israel, as God’s people, are, first and foremost, our fruit of love for the God of Israel and His truth.
Briefly, I want to touch on the priorities in the life of the Apostle Paul. In Galatians 2:7-10, he said: “On the contrary, they recognized that I had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the uncircumcised, just as Peter had been to the circumcised. For God, who was at work in Peter as an apostle to the circumcised, was also at work in me as an apostle to the Gentiles. James, Cephas, and John, those esteemed as pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me. They agreed that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the circumcised. All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along.”
The Apostle Paul primarily speaks about the gospel—about the salvation of souls. But notice that alongside this, he speaks about the importance of material aid to the churches in Judea, remembering their need. And Paul emphasizes his precise adherence to this principle. We read something similar in 1 Corinthians 16:1-3: “Now about the collection for the Lord’s people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do. On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made. Then, when I arrive, I will give letters of introduction to the men you approve and send them with your gift to Jerusalem.”
Someone might ask: What personal benefit do I get from this? For me, my family, my church, or my people? I want to remind you that the same Apostle Paul, who was an apostle to the Gentiles (Romans 11:13-15), tells us to contribute in every way to the salvation of Israel because this is, first and foremost, God’s will. And regarding the question of personal reward or spiritual effect on life from serving Israel, I want to answer you with the well-known words of the Apostle Paul from 2 Corinthians 9:5-15:
“So I thought it necessary to urge the brothers to visit you in advance and finish the arrangements for the generous gift you had promised. Then it will be ready as a generous gift, not as one grudgingly given. Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written: ‘They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever.’ Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us, your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. And in their prayers for you, their hearts will go out to you because of the surpassing grace God has given you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!”
Therefore, I once again sincerely thank each of you for your financial and prayer support and partnership.
And I want to say that we daily lift up prayers for you. And I am not speaking falsely by saying this! We ask God to supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. You are dear to us, no less than those brothers and sisters with whom we are in Israel, whom we meet every day, working and serving God together. We receive many letters from you, and some of them touch us to tears. It cannot but touch us when we read how those who are going through financial difficulties themselves serve us financially and pray for us constantly. I praise my God for you! Once again, I sincerely thank you for your zeal for His house.
Pastor Oren Lev Ari
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